He was once a very helpful, kind, and generous man. He was a good man at heart and could rarely do any harm to anyone. He loved giving, it was natural. One day, as he was walking down the dusty road, he saw a bag fall to the ground, picked it up, and noticed that it was empty. Suddenly, a woman and a police officer appeared. The suspect is being held on suspicion of theft. The woman asked the man where the money was hidden. He replied, "It was empty when I found it." The woman shouted at him. Please answer me; It's a school fee for my son. The man realized that she was sad, so he gave her all the money. He knew that she was struggling to make ends meet. The man said, "I did not take your money, but I hope it can help you with everything I have." The woman came out, and the police arrested the man for further investigation. The woman was relieved to find the money, but she was shocked when she counted it. Her money has doubled. The man gave her twice as much money as she had in her purse.
One day as she was walking to pay her school fees, she saw a thin, weak man behind her. She thought she might rob me, so she approached the police to guard her purse. This policeman had helped her in the past. The woman told him about the man who was following her, but suddenly they saw him fall. They ran to him and were shocked to learn that he had stolen the woman's purse a few days earlier. He looks very weak, and the woman is confused. The policeman told the woman: “He did not return your money; he gave you the money that day. He was not a thief, but he gave you the money because he was very upset when he heard about your son's school fees. They helped the man to get up. Then the woman, please go ahead and pay your child's school fees, I have seen and followed you to make sure no one will steal your child's school fees. The woman cut short her words.
There are two lessons to the story: First, do not rush into judging people often because you may be wrong. Second, take care of yourself and then let your help enter other people's lives. If they do not, they will not be strong enough to help others.
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